The purpose of Sabbath is to enjoy your God, life in general, what you have accomplished in the world through his help, and the freedom you have in the gospelthe freedom from slavery to any material object or human expectation. Take a moment now to ask for the Lords blessing and help as you continue in this study of Mark. Each of Jesus major predictions of his death and resurrection (Mark 8:31; 9:30 32; 10:3234) is followed by instruction in discipleship (Mark 8:3238; 9:3537; 10:3545). Mark 1 taps into this whole-Bible theme. 31:1317). In Genesis 1, God created two great lightsthe greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night (Gen. 1:16). Marriage is left behind for the matchless experience of being in the presence of. Note Matt. In the final two accounts of Mark 12, Jesus contrasts two different kinds of piety. In the first verse of his Gospel Mark indicates what is driving him to write, and then immediately quotes the Old Testament as he begins writing. Zavada, Jack. God created light (Gen. 1:35) and called his people, the children of Abraham, to be a light for the nations, bringing blessing and peace to the world (Isa. Consider the significance of the entire Old Testament sacrificial system and reflect on the significance of what was happening when Jesus Christ was crucified. What are ways in which the Romans ridicule Jesus? ", The Split Between Paul and Barnabas Over John Mark. We see here that the Lords mysterious providence does not allow us to draw straight lines from personal faithfulness to earthly comfort. Doing so did not make Jesus unclean; it made the leper clean. How would you answer that? . Wow. Lastly, we encourage you to occasionally take time to look back through this study, reviewing notes that you have written, and reflecting again on the key themes that the Lord has taught you about himself and about his Word. The King James Bible calls him Marcus. Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! (Mark 11:910). In the 118th Congress, he was also appointed to the House Committee on Ethics where he has the honor of working on a bipartisan basis to foster good government and promote accountability, transparency, and integrity throughout the House, work central to his overarching goal as a Member of Congress to increase trust in government among the American people. 28:22, 27, 35). Jesus is assuring his people of his wise oversight of human history, despite hardships for his followers. . The root issue in the account of the rich young man is not financial but, more deeply, spiritual. Parataxis party! Learn Religions, Dec. 6, 2021, Where the heart is receptive and welcoming to this message in a persevering way, this word bears fruit all out of proportion to what might be expected. This statement reaches all the way back to creation, when God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Jesus himself settles this debt with the payment to the Father of his own blood on the cross as our substitute. Marriage is left behind for the matchless experience of being in the presence of. This was my first time reading John Mark Comer, but I am looking forward to reading more. When the people shout Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord at Jesus entry, they are picking up on this promise to David as it is reiterated in Psalm 118:2526, which is a prayer of blessing for the coming messianic kingdom. In light of the Old Testament, what significance might there be in sending out twelve? Copyright 20052023 Ken Silva. Jesus did not come for the religious elite, the socially privileged. Zavada, Jack. 1:3). John 12:46). John Mark Comer is Pastor for Teaching & Vision at Bridgetown Church in Portland, Oregon. (For further background, see the ESV Study Bible, pages 19171922, available online at My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Mark 15:34). In the final section of Mark 9 Jesus teaches about sin and temptation. Many of us dont work out our salvation (Phil 2:12) but instead rest on the laurels of pastors, authors, institutions/tribes, or even publications like TGC to work it out on our behalf. On the other hand, in Mark 9 the disciples are concerned that strangers are casting out demons in Jesus name (Mark 9:38). : Your Bible may have in brackets what is known as the Longer Ending of Mark (Mark 16:920). 26:53). Mark contributes much to Christian theology. Doctrines that are reinforced and clarified in Mark include the deity of Christ, human sin, resurrection, divine sovereignty, and the kingdom of God. Once more, God sees what man does not see. The name John originates from the Hebrew name Yochanan, meaning "Yahweh is gracious". 42:6; 49:6; 60:3). Mark 13:523 focus on local and world events (destruction of the temple, persecution, and universal evangelism); Mark 13:2427 focus on cosmic events (the transformation of the known cosmos and the coming of the Son of Man). But what happens when that celebrity's ministry falls apart? The writing style was distracting, simple, and overly casual. This longer ending is missing from various old and reliable Greek manuscripts, and early church fathers (such as Origen and Clement of Alexandria) did not appear to know of these verses. 11:3538). Repent and believe in the gospel (Mark 1:15). 4:12). . When God first called Abram, he declared that Abram would be a blessing to the other nations (Gen. 12:23). In answering the Pharisees testing question about divorce, Jesus goes all the way back to the beginning to establish the foundation for marriage. About a year ago, by the grace of God and abook by John Mark Comer, I started to keep the Sabbath. Truly this man was the Son of God! (Mark 15:39). Read Jeremiah 16:1517 and consider what it meant for Jesus to call these four men to be fishers of men (Mark 1:17). Mormon prophet Lorenzo Snow taught in 1840,As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become.3 If so, you should be able to see by this Mormon mythology that, quite obviously, were dealing with a pantheon of gods. Make notes on the personal implications for your walk with the Lord of (1) the Gospel Glimpses, (2) the Whole-Bible Connections, (3) the Theological Soundings, and (4) this passage as a whole. Privacy & . The mocking religious authorities taunted Jesus, saying, He saved others; he cannot save himself (Mark 15:31). At the end of all things, Mark 13:10 is fulfilled and the nations walk in the New Jerusalem and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it (Rev. Please make sure all fields are filled out. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive the first two chapters. After all, they served in a very conservative Baptist churchthey started by slowly adding a few things to their youth meetings. We see here the unity of the Bible as Jesus carries on the work of Gods people, begun in the Old Testament. The type of faith leased from an array of online sourcescontent disconnected from your contextis often shaky. . The Dash. 15:40). Its someone else. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person (Mark 7:2023). The revival preceded a great assault from the atheistic authorities. Really good. How should we understand Jesus words, then, in Mark 11:24? John Mark Comers voice during the last 18 months of a global pandemic has been a humble, wise, and helpful guide for me. Moses represents the Law (see Ex. 19:9, 16; 24:1518), descends in a cloud when Moses enters the tent to speak with him (Ex. In light of Job 12:15, Job 28:25, Psalm 33:7, and Psalm 107:2530, what is the implication of Mark 4:39, and how might this explain the disciples terror in Mark 4:41? Could it be that Jesus has more in mind than merely physical destruction of the temple? The root issue in the account of the rich young man is not financial but, more deeply, spiritual. Mark wrote roughly 25 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. It consists of wine, symbolizing the new covenant in his blood, and bread, symbolizing his body, which was broken for his followers. He makes it easy to understand and challenges you to live more authentically for Christ. In responding, Jesus affirms the resurrection that is to come, saying that believers will then be like angels in heaven (Mark 12:25). . 7:816). Retrieved from The horror of the cross of Christ was not mainly its physical torture. . When Jesus sandwiches his cleansing of the temple in between the two halves of the cursing of the barren fig tree, this symbolizes more than a hungry and frustrated Messiah. Israel was called to be a fruitful tree but failed: When I would gather them, declares the Lord, there are no grapes on the vine, nor figs on the fig tree; even the leaves are withered (Jer. The departure of the people of Israel from Egypt and their journey to Mount Sinai under Moses leadership (Ex. . Walk by the Spirit, Paul concludes, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh (verse 16).When deceitful ideas build on disordered desires, they normalize sin throughout society. Both the home and household of John Mark's mother Mary were important in the early Christian community of Jerusalem. In Jesus this day has dawned, and one day, at his second coming, Jesus will finish what he started in his earthly ministry, eradicating all sickness once and for all (Rev. Read through the complete passage for this study, Mark 13:137. Indeed, the one place in all four Gospel accounts where Jesus tells us about his heart is Matthew 11:29: I am gentle and lowly in heart. Burrow in to the very core of what makes Jesus tick, and this is it. Jesus first words in Mark are, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel (Mark 1:15). Repent and believe in the gospel (Mark 1:15). He is an avid runner and has completed twenty-three marathons. Fuller Theological Seminary professor Tony Jones, Emerging Church pastor Doug Pagitts friend and progressive/liberal theologian in residence, then adds: Its no mistake that many of the emergent leaders were formerly youth workers. The embracing of the nations in the kingdom of God is therefore probably part of the significance of Jesus parable in Mark 4. Israel was called to be a fruitful tree but failed: When I would gather them, declares the Lord, there are no grapes on the vine, nor figs on the fig tree; even the leaves are withered (Jer. How does the father of the boy represent what the disciples lacked, even if not perfectly (Mark 9:24)? I also lead a venture-backed tech startup called Threshold 360, where were on a mission to map the inside of every public location on earth in 360. Martin Luther called this the great exchange. To put it in terms of the healing of the leper: The only truly clean man who ever lived became unclean on the cross so that you and I, unclean, can be freely cleansed by simply asking for it. Every lie that we have ever believed about ourselves starts with deception in the most subtle ways. 11:3234) and suffering (Heb. Available now (Amazon | TGC Store). While the kingdom of God is outwardly unimpressive, the nations are gradually being gathered into it, and one day this kingdom will be unmistakably triumphant. With conservative teachings on the roles of men and women in particular, Driscoll is well known for being a loud voice in many hot-button issue debates. 5:2532). 5:17; Luke 24:44), or, more generally, to those who spoke to Gods people on behalf of God throughout the OT between the time of Moses and the close of the OT. I'm also the author of six books: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, God has a Name, Garden City, Loveology, My Name is Hope, and my newest: Live No Lies which is now a New York Times Best Seller. How does this parable develop what has already been happening in Mark 11:1225? FRUITFUL TREES. Theologians call this penal substitutionary atonement: Jesus paid sins penalty (penal) in our place (substitutionary) to restore us to God (atonement). Why might Mark have wanted to make this clear? For me, Sabbath was just an ancient word for a day of the week, not something to actually practice. Many of us live with a low-grade fatigue and chronic anxiety that rarely, if ever, goes away. The Lord is my shepherd, wrote David (Ps. Our aim is to create resources for discipleship and formation in local churches in post-Christian contexts. In Mark 2 we see Jesus begin to receive opposition from the religious leaders. Consider the role that the temple has played throughout the Gospel of Mark. The OT looked forward to the coming of the Messiah, the Christ. Greetings and Welcome! What we learn of sin here is that sin manifests itself in two ways: sinful real unrighteousness (the tax collectors and sinners) and sinful bogus righteousness (the scribes and Pharisees). Second, regarding history, Jesus resurrection fulfills Gods promises to raise up and restore Israel (Hos. and rest a while, says Jesus (Mark 6:31). Christs resurrection had implications for himself, for history, and for his people. This picks up a theme that travels through the Old Testament: Moses spent 40 days on barren Mount Sinai (Ex. . Literally to immerse or to wash. Refers to the Christian practice of immersing a new believer in water as an outward sign of the inward reality of regeneration. The NT often uses the law (lower case) to refer to the entire body of precepts set forth in the books of the Law, and reinforced by the rest of the Bible. 20:3). Yet he underwent condemnation on the cross so that you and I, who unlike Jesus truly are guilty, can silence the voice of accusation that bubbles up within. And now the end has drawn near. How could this be? Read through the complete passage for this study, Mark 6:78:26. In this way God was judging all sin and unrighteousness. For the people of God, however, Jesus statement that all sins will be forgiven the children of man anticipates the eternally valid substitutionary atonement Jesus will be seen to provide in the final chapters of Marks Gospel (note also Mark 10:45). What do we learn about the nature of their mission from the instructions they are given here in Mark 6? Read through the complete passage for this study, Mark 15:1616:8. SON OF GOD. With Jesus, cleanliness, we might say, is contagious. The coming of the kingdom of God means that Gods rule over peoples hearts and lives is being established in and through Jesus. Halfway through Mark, the disciples have been decisively convinced that Jesus is the Messiah for whom they have been waiting. He directs them at the flesh, which Comer defines as our base, primal, animalistic drives for self-gratification, especially as it pertains to sensuality and survival. We want forbidden fruit, so we decide God is a Big Meany if He doesnt let us have it. Only because at the pinnacle of all of human history, in another garden called Gethsemane, the last Adam (1 Cor. And here I experience a soul-consuming desire to dedicate my life to the one who created me and redeemed me. 5:2; Eph. What does this teach us about what Jesus is about to undergo? Jesus replies, The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.. Hosanna! the people shout as Jesus rides into Jerusalem. The embracing of the nations in the kingdom of God is therefore probably part of the significance of Jesus parable in Mark 4. If you believe that more than one god exists, you are a polytheist, period; and polytheism has never been a part of the theology of Judaism or of the Christian faith. Christians meet for worship on Sunday, the day of Christs resurrection (Acts 20:7), and regard Sunday, rather than Saturday, as their weekly day of rest. Take a moment now to ask for the Lords blessing and help as you engage in this study of Mark. 6:16). HOPE FOR SINNERS, NOT THE RIGHTEOUS. Jesus raised her from the dead. He probably relied heavily on the eyewitness account of the apostle Peter. (For further background, see the ESV Study Bible, pages 19171922, available online at, Read Psalm 118:2526, Isaiah 9:17, Jeremiah 23:58, and Zechariah 9:9. 20:10). John himself has already made it clear that Jesus is greater than he is, so this cannot be an act of submission to John. 4:1718; on the age to come see also Eph. At the Passover meal, the Jews remember and celebrate the beginning of Israels deliverance from slavery, when the Lord brought judgment by killing the firstborn in every Egyptian house but passed over the Israelite houses where the blood of the Passover lamb had been applied (Ex. Yet even once they are in the land, true Sabbath rest remains elusive to Gods people, as indicated by later texts such as Psalm 95. 5:8; 1 Thess. How does the first garden, in which mankind plunged through sin into ruin and death, culminate in a restored garden, in which Gods people enjoy restored fellowship with him? Peter, Andrew, James, and John did nothing to seek out Jesus. 51:3; 58:11; Ezek. As the writer to the Hebrews makes clear, faith can lead to both triumph (Heb. Judgment will come. With Jesus, cleanliness, we might say, is contagious. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. He was not Roman by birth but had been appointed king of the Jews under the authority of Rome. Jesus is indeed the long-awaited son of David, the king, who leads his people to true freedomfreedom not from Rome but from sin and death. As Jesus breathes his last, the Roman centurion standing nearby exclaims, Truly this man was the Son of God! (Mark 15:39). Such a tree was proverbial in ancient literature, referring to the national superpower of the day, in whose shade the nations (birds) nested. organizational behaviour quiz Envelope. Amen. In Mark 4:3032 Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a tiny mustard seed which, when full grown, becomes the largest plant in the garden, in which the birds find rest and shade. Jesus Christ is the only One who can bring the salvation the world so desperately desires. Moses then brought these down to the people of Israel. All she brings is her need. and ALSO! Throughout, we are reminded that Gods mercy benefits just those who know their need of it. Speaking on three enemies that sabotage our peace (devil, flesh, world), Comer provides practical wisdom on how to fight back against these spiritual enemies. Another option is that this is a prediction with multiple fulfillments. ESCHATOLOGY. 36:35). Mark 10:1316 set forth children as examples of the basic attitude everyone must have before he or she enters the kingdom of God (see also Mark 9:3536). . (Mark 15:24). Take time to reflect on the implications of Mark 3:136:6 for your own life today. Its time to live no lies Dallas Willard once called hurry the great enemy of spiritual life in our day.. 42:6; 49:6; 60:3). Now that you understand how the Emerging Church slithered into acceptance, heres what this all has to do with John Mark Comer and his teaching polytheism this month in a Seeker Driven, ostensibly evangelical, church. John Mark had a servant's heart. Take a moment now to ask for the Lords blessing and help as you engage in this study of Mark. Rom. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Mark 15:34). 4:1023). 7:1314). When Jesus overturned the tables in the temple in Mark 11, he was reminding the people that the temple is not for financial transaction between people and other people, but for spiritual transaction between people and God. Born in Lowell, Massachusetts, Mark earned his BA in History from the College of the Holy Cross. Do The Gospels Marginalize Women? . 1:27). 7:23). What is Mark showing us about Jesus in this opening event of Jesus ministry? Take a moment now to ask for the Lords blessing and help as you continue in this study of Mark. Some think Mark may have become homesick. He walked on water, forgave sins, and identified himself as the true templeall things that only God himself can do. 5:5; 1 Pet. What is the danger if we resist self-denial and instead pursue the things of the world? If youre like me, you give leased property much less upkeep than if you actually owned it. Its a day to step back, as God himself did on the seventh day, and enjoy the fruit of our labor. Read through the following three sections on Gospel Glimpses, Whole-Bible Connections, and Theological Soundings. In essence, they are asking what grounds for divorce can be legitimately acted upon while remaining in Gods good favor. And perhaps most significantly, temporarily suspending any productive conversation. Only in Jesus is real Sabbath rest found (note Matt. Even more ancient than the echoes of the Davidic promise are the echoes of the exodus from Egypt: the Triumphal Entry takes place at the beginning of Passover week, which recalls the Jewish peoples liberation from Egyptian slavery. When Adam and Eve fell, that fellowship was fractured, and in the centuries following, Gods presence with his people was restricted to a tabernacle and then a man-made temple. Most people fail in the art of living not because they are inherently bad or so without will that they cannot lead a better life; they fail because they do not wake up and see when they stand at a fork in the road and have to decide.. 28:22, 27, 35). The cup of Gods wrath was not removed from him. In Gods sight, however, her tiny gift was greater than the showy generosity of many rich people (Mark 12:41). . You can see above that Comer is Pastor of A Jesus church in Portland, Oregon. For Jesus was forsaken so that you and I never have to be. But as Christians, we know that neither our work, nor any other counterfeit god, can satisfy or save. For Jesus was accused and condemned on our behalf. Note the personal implications for your walk with the Lord in light of (1) the Gospel Glimpses, (2) the Whole-Bible Connections, (3) the Theological Soundings, and (4) this passage as a whole. But they continue to understand Jesus messianic rule only in terms of the first half of Marks Gospel. . Now this suffering is upon him. . . After calling the twelve apostles (Mark 3:1319), yet before sending them out (Mark 6:713), Jesus continues his teaching and healing ministry in ways that create heightened amazement at himthough also heightened opposition. In Portland, Oregon, one of the most secular cities in the U.S., John Mark and his team led Bridgetown Church through a five-year journey of spiritual formation, and it transformed their community from the inside out. A GARDEN. (For further background, see the ESV Study Bible, pages 1926 1930, available online at. 4:12). God later called Israel to be his son, and the Bible even describes God as calling Israel his firstborn (Ex. Mark 15:1616:8 recounts the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 10:2123) and lament (Amos 8:9 10). Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on On a deeper level, however, it is in fact harder to proclaim forgiveness of sins, because only God can do thatas the scribes rightly understand. Read Joel 2:10, 31 and Daniel 7:13, and consider the broader contexts (surrounding verses) of both of these Old Testament texts. Contact Us, 2023 Spark Bible LLC. At first glance Jesus statement in Mark 9:40the one who is not against us is for usseems to contradict Jesus statement in Matthew 12:30Whoever is not with me is against me. How do these two statements cohere? His real god was his wealth, as proven in his inability to follow Jesus if it meant parting with his possessions. Jesus is indeed the long-awaited son of David, the king, who leads his people to true freedomfreedom not from Rome but from sin and death. READ MORE 2023 United Reformed Churches in North America All Rights Reserved Skip to Main Content. A leper was someone suffering from leprosy, which was a term for a variety of related skin diseases, many of which were highly contagious. ATONEMENT. If you accomplish enough, make enough money, or accumulate enough fame, you will be accepted. The name has taken many forms over the years, including John, Jonathan, Juan, Johann, Johannes, Ivan and Jack. With the fall in Eden, sickness, disease, and death entered the world. DEITY OF CHRIST. Mark 10:24). How so? Jesus, however, declared all foods clean (Mark 7:19), uprooting the overscrupulous dietary regulation that had come to overshadow more important issues of the heart, where true cleanliness is determinedand which was the point of the law all along. In the age of the sermon podcast, its tempting to lease (or straight up plagiarize) a sermon or teaching from a celebrity. How might this illumine Jesus order in Mark 8:30? Unclean plus clean equals clean. In this section of Mark, Jesus ministry and authority accelerate in new ways. It is more likely, however, that in this case Jesus is just using a familiar event in nature as another illustration. . We are at war. He did 6-7 episodes of interviews with people he referenced in his newest book, Live No Lies. We can be assured that all our prayers are heard because Jesus had a prayer to which God said no. 3:20). 10:22; see also 1 Kings 3:1013; Job 42:12; Prov. But this truthservice leading to true greatness, the last winding up firstis embodied most clearly in Jesus himself. Jesus is the final and true Passover lamb (1 Cor. Lets ensure we dont simply rent the words of a famous teacher or appealing tribe, but genuinely own the words of Jesus by building our lives on authentic faith. 21:9 17). In the Book of Acts, John Mark was a companion of Paul and Barnabas. This presents a puzzle for scholars who specialize in the history of such manuscripts. On the one hand, the call to bring the gospel to the nations explodes in a new way in the New Testament. 'I just think your 20s are a time to do ministry but really more than anything to prepare. . When the NT refers to the prophets, it is referring either to a specific group of OT books (e.g., Matt. Jesus could have called an army of angels to his side (Matt. He has twice been selected as a Google Fellow and served in the White House under President George W. Bush. Church-based youth ministry is a fertile training ground for so much that is emergent: risk-taking, entrepreneurialism, pushing boundaries, getting in trouble :-), staying up-to-date on culture, etc. In considering an answer note closely just who is being described in each verse. In responding, Jesus affirms the resurrection that is to come, saying that believers will then be like angels in heaven (Mark 12:25). To enter the land was to enter rest. . This is the glory of what Martin Luther called the great exchange. Jesus took our condemnation on himself and gives us his righteousness as we look to him in faith. The root cause beneath so much of the anger and anxiety of our cultural moment. How might we see such blasphemy against the Spirit today? For example, Mark repeatedly transitions to a new section of his narrative with the word immediately. While Matthew and Luke share quite a bit of material with Mark, Matthew and Luke contain large blocks of behavioral teaching by Jesus that Mark does not include. . Note especially Mark 9:19 and Mark 9:23. . By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Jan 30, 2013 in AM Missives, Current Issues, Features. 11:2830), as the letter to the Hebrews draws out (Heb. Throughout the Old Testament, the sun came to represent Gods favor and blessing (Ps. Read Mark 1:22 and Mark 1:27. Twice in Jesus trial, once before the Jewish council (Mark 14:61) and once before Pilate (Mark 15:5), Jesus remained silent before his accusersfalse accusers. Take time to reflect on the implications of Mark 10:152 for your own life today. Some first-century Pharisees had made these laws primary as the way of regulating their ceremonial cleanliness (Mark 7:123). Here we see that the kingdom of God is at hand. God has done this by bringing history to a climax (the time is fulfilled), yet at the same time people are called to respond in a certain way (repent and believe). In his crucifixion Jesus hands were nailed below the wrist on the horizontal beam of the cross, and his feet were placed with one above the other and then nailed to the vertical beam. To whom is Jesus speaking? He has exposed and confounded the emptiness of the religion of the scribes and Pharisees, earning their opposition as a result. Since coming to Congress, he has passed more than 60legislative efforts, proving to be an effective legislator who knows how to get things done. Now they learn that he will be a suffering Messiah. November 12, 2021 The latest book from John Mark Comer is a strategic reminder for believers to be suspect of the lies we believe and an invitation into the finished work of Jesus, and the truth for all of life. It is not what goes into us, but what comes out of us, that is defiling. The NT teaches that Christians have already been resurrected spiritually (Eph. The king theme is heightened with the setting up of the kingship in Israel, and especially with David, to whom God promises a lasting dynasty (2 Sam. As for the verses themselves, they contain various Greek words and expressions uncommon to Mark, and there are stylistic differences as well. Jesus is the ultimate bridegroom, loving his wife (the church) despite her faithlessness, to the point of dying for her (Eph. Final two accounts of Mark, my God, why have you forsaken me the kingdom of God is probably... Ceremonial cleanliness ( Mark 15:31 ) Jesus tick, and Theological Soundings here the of! 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Steve Mcmahon Obituary, Articles J