This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Peter Stewart . Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of If meg were still alive today, we might expect to see wounds made by these tremendous teeth on the bodies of whales that escaped megalodon encounters with lives, just as we see scars made by great whites on the bodies of living seals. The real problem is that we actually have zero proof for any existence of the megalodon. Answer: No, the megalodon shark was not a dinosaur. We should be finding fresh teeth, like we do for C megalodon's distant relative, the white shark. While the largest great white sharks found today weigh about 5,000 pounds. Megalodon is out there somewhere, I mean even if there's not an actual "megalodon shark" that doesn't mean that there is none For instance, scientists believe that megalodon closely resembles our modern day great white sharks with the main difference being the tremendous size of the megalodon. But three weeks ago, Danner, an art curator, found his first megalodon tooth 3 inches long, and in good condition. its very possible weve only explored 2 percent of the ocean. Believe the Meg still exist. Otherwise, I don't know why I wouldn't have seen it. The earliest version of this video we could uncover was posted to YouTube in 2008: That version of the video stated that the footage captured a 7-meter (22-foot) Pacific sleeper shark off the coast of Japan in the SurugaBay. A fossil hunter searching a . Despite existing million of years ago, the fascinating and fearsome creature is still making its presence felt today. One clip is reportedto have been filmed at the bottom of the Mariana Trench and appears to show a giant shark scouring the seafloor. Unfortunately, even the strongest creatures are no match for Mother Nature. That is far from the case. There is no official evidence that megalodon still exists today, but there are plenty of anecdotal reports. Absolutely Terrifying #Breaking #50ftShark. Apex predators have no natural predators of their own, so a fully grown megalodon had little to fear in the prehistoric oceans. Michael Nastasio said he was "so happy" when he found a 6-inch-long megalodon tooth while fossil hunting off the coast of Venice. Killer whales, apex predators in today's oceans, are known to eat the meaty tongues and blubbery throats of other whales. In far less dangerous territory the couples home. So yeah we can throw that assumption out the window. Working backwards, the researchers estimate that the newborn megalodon reached two metres from nose to tail. One clip is reported to have been filmed at the bottom of the Mariana Trench and appears to show a giant shark scouring the seafloor. Is that a megalodon, one person jokingly questioned in the comments along with many others. The megalodon may have becomeextinctthanks to being outmaneuvered and outdone by itssmaller, more agile cousin, the great white. Now its extinct, the super predator is providing vital clues on how life found a way millions of years ago, Steve Palace is a writer, journalist and comedian from the UK. Could this be the last remaining Megalodon? A recent TikTok video went viral after a gigantic shark was captured on video, with some speculating it could be a Megalodon. The name Megalodon means big tooth. Most of the recovered Megalodon fossil teeth have been 4 to 5. Investigators also found the boat either bitten or torn in half. ET: This article has been updated to . Another theory that has gotten a lot of attention in recent memory is that the megalodon simply was unable to regulate its body temperature. Still, the idea of this monster shark out there patrolling the ocean deep is fascinating to imagine. In September, a separate group of researchersdeterminedthe true size of an adult megalodons body, including its huge fins, based on fossils. Photo by Jacob Danner/Facebook. What the heck it's just a movie. I typically approve all comments that makes sense and don't violate any of the sites rules. In 2018 several unexplained videos were posted online saying how the giant beast was thriving. The record is 6.5 inches long. VENICE, FL A Venice diver and charter boat captain made the discovery of a lifetime when he found a rare 6-inch megalodon shark tooth off the coast of Sarasota County Oct. 14. Everyone here is a goon saying that Greenland sharks are as big or that whales are going extinct because of megalodon. At first, many thought it was a Pacific Sleeper Shark. I thing the meg is still alive I Look it up on google it did not say any thing about the meg being still alive. Being skeptical, they re- calculated their results and got the same amazing result. Here are 5 Megalodons caught on camera \u0026 spotted in real life part two.#5 Cape Town Megalodon Attack a charter fishing boat, off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, four friends decide to take a fishing trip. His fright escalates when see how far apart the dorsal fin and the upper lobe are from one another.. we've actually only discovered 25% percent of the ocean, my theory is that all the deep sea trenches like the Mariana Trench, are all connected to a cave system that larger and rarer species we believed to be extinct, are hiding in. I have personally seen a "great white" dwarf a 26 foot Chris-Craft, and seen a few shows that show a great white at 32 feet. A Tyrannosaurus Rex had a bite force of only one-third that. Thanks for contacting us. Megalodons grew up to 60ft (18 metres) long and weighed 100 tons, feasting on whales and great white sharks during the Pliocene era. This is insane what is that? wrote one user. In the trailer the shark looks much bigger than current megalodon size estimates, though everything I read says its 70-75 ft which is on the high side but in the ballpark. 6-foot megalodon shark babies were cannibals in the womb, study says. Based on the sizes of the smallest known megalodon teeth, I had a hunch that the size at birth may be around two to 2.5 metres, Shimada said. I do belive the megladons still exist just why would that not agree that have plenty of evidence about it and that said it might come out at night at least closer to the surface and that can search that also said it could have adapted to cold climate cheap colder areas then cheap all the warmer areas and if worse comes to worse cheap marinas trench I think that do indeed exist. Marissa Drew/Facebook. Yup is definitely the Megalodon! It needs to be big and cool. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. "Ultimately, the presumed reliance of O. megalodon on the presence of suitable nursery grounds might have also been determinant in the demise of this iconic top predatory shark," the study's authors explained in the abstract. I would be fascinated to see a megalodon.. they are still alive.i know for sure down near the arctic. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Megalodon shark grew to three times the length of today's great white shark. Megalodon may have gone extinct when these seas dried up, the ice age began and water was locked up at the poles, according to . One theory as to why the sharks grew so big before birth is that they ate any siblings in the womb. We've received your submission. Legal Statement. Plausible that Megalodon is still lurking in the depth of the ocean. So, it isnt unreasonable to think this could have happened to megalodon. During the time when megalodon was hunting in the world's oceans, the ancestors of modern whales were mostly small, less than 30 feet long. Thanks for this article on Megalodon. Formally known as Otodus megalodon, the gigantic fish rank among the largest carnivores in the history of life on Earth. Otodus was a massive, 30-foot shark and, while not as big as megalodon, it was a formidable ocean predator. As you mentioned in your article, the reason for extinction probably could be newer, smaller predators evolving to occupy the niche of the Meg. As you mentioned in your article, the only proof of existance of the giant squid we had was the washing up of bodies on shore. Carcharocles megalodon had flattened bladel-ike teeth with uniform serrations and no cusplets. These jaws made the megalodon shark the most powerful predator in the ancient oceans. So, was that an actual megalodon spotted off New England's coast in 2021? Smash that like button for more, make sure you share the video with your friends and dont forget to subscribe!Make sure to follow me here: The legend eventually makes its way into megalodon lore. Don't waste ur time in crazy fantacies. It's unlikely that the vast majority of these sharks would have been able to adapt to a major shortage in their food supply. I believe the Megalodon survived extinction and has adapted to a lifestyle that has enabled it to live virtually undetected in smaller numbers. Since these fictional documentaries, where science was removed and fiction was inserted are fairly popular, many people now believe that megalodon is still alive. Yay! 'Conservative' estimates of megalodon's size place its maximum size at 47,960 kg (105,733 lbs). Megalodons are one of the most well-known species of sharks and for good reason: they are the largest predatory sharks to have ever existed. What was the megalodon shark really like? They found no general patterns that would allow them to tease out body shape differences. But there are a few enormous teeth that are over 7.- The Mariana Trench is 6.83 miles deep and measures more than 1,500 miles long and 43 miles wide. MEGALODON SHOCKER: HUGE KILLER SHARK MAY HAVE BEEN WIPED OUT BY GREAT WHITES. The depth at that area was about 600', Shallow by ocean standards .to this day I have no clue as to what it was. Here, a megalodon tooth (left) is compared to a great white shark tooth. megalodons can still be alive because 71% of the ocean is undiscovered so if they don't discover that there is no proof that they are extent. Some scientists estimate that an adult megalodon could have been more than 30 feet in length. It even makes a cameo appearance of sorts in Spielbergs blockbuster. In March, a fossil enthusiast found a megalodon tooth at a South Carolina construction site, measuring roughly 6.45 inches. Real scientists are involved in the real labor of discovering, classifying and understanding real animals, insects and microscopic organisms all across the world, adding to our appreciation of the world as it is. Living creatures aside, no-one would know about the Meg were it not for awe-inspiring fossils of the type found today. One reason we know this is because of fossil teeth and vertebrae left behind. The megalodon could have evolved into the six-gills or Greenland sharks. The typical lifespan of the species was at least 88 years, they conclude. Modern great white sharks are apex predators, but they are sometimes hunted and killed by orcas, another apex predator. Many young children dream of finding the fossilized remains of a . Where is the tooth now? Details of the work are published in Historical Biology. megatooth shark, Otodus megalodon, and the evolution of lamniform thermophysiology. It is obviously not hunting offshore near areas populated by humans. It is quite possible that population that migrated to the bottom of the ocean hasn't grown for millions of years, and that is probably why we still can't find any evidence for their existence. The scans revealed 46 growth bands in the fossil which scientists believe indicate the animals age in years, much as tree rings reveal annual growth in trees. Michael Nastasio . A massive, 60-foot predator hunting whales close to shore would surely be well-known, not to mention widely feared. Remnants of megalodons, which lived in most of the worlds oceans from 15m to 3.6m years ago, have revealed that adults grew to more than 15 metres in length, but until now their size at birth was unclear. Not sure when I will, but I'll either be posting a review or updating this article. This ancient shark lived roughly 23 to 3.6 million years ago in nearly every corner of the ocean. Still, a sixty-foot shark is a really big fish. Thats as long as a blue whale! What's the best explanation that accounts for the facts, which are: C megalodon disappears from the fossil record completely around 2.6 Ma; stories and legends and accounts of gigantic sharks are told by some people, written in fiction and nonfiction, used in mockumentaries (and some dubious documentaries, like MonsterQuest)? I see most movies at home so it may be awhile. Georgia man Matthew Basak unearthed a 6.45 inch megalodon tooth at a South Carolina construction site. It could be in the Burmuda triangle. Woman finds ancient tooth the size of a HAND that once belonged to 60ft . Individual teeth of these animals could be 18 cm across their diagonal height. 2021, Sci-fi/Action, 1h 26m . A whale fighting a Megalodon. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Report from 1933 insisted that a mysterious sea beast with an enormous brown tale was spotted off the coast of French Polynesia. Some scientists estimate that an adult megalodon could have been more than 30 feet in length. Jaw-dropping Research Reveals Megalodon Mysteries. The megalodon . Megalodons can live to be up to 100 years old and swam in the world's oceans millions of year ago. Despite the claims, no physical evidence has been found to support the hypothesis that C megalodon is still around. Couple, Jessica and Simon Owens went looking for shark teeth on the muddy banks of the Stono River SC, southwest of the city of Charleston. . In fact, recent research on great white sharks shows they may dive fairly deep in search of food. Also the photographers may be keeping the photos to them selves because they may care about the environment and afraid of getting them extinct. So what makes some people think the megalodon shark could still be around? Sailed six weeks in the atlantic saw this big fking shark, he captioned a TikTok video on Tuesday. The "sightings" produce no evidence, not a shred. Sharks skeletons consist mostly of cartilage, so megalodon doesnt leave much behind. The coastline used to be submerged, allowing access for many a marine predator. It also had my attention the whole time! Unfortunately, some people have interpreted this misinformation to mean megalodon is entirely made up. And with all the technology we have and all the ships and sonar and submarines on the water.SOMEONE WOULD HAVE SEEN IT AND RECORDED IT ON VIDEO; by video I mean REAL evidence instead of all those bullsh*t photoshopped and misidentified sharks the kids see on youtube now. Seamen in the 1900s have given accounts of spotting the prehistoric creatures while in later years conspiracy theorists have claimed that the gigantic sharks still roam the seas. The answer to the megalodon question is a resounding NO. Photograph: Corey Ford/Alamy Thought to be the largest shark that ever lived , its remains have been found on . His find was around five and a half inches and made headlines due to it being amongst the largest located in Gulf Coast waters to date. Again thank you for sharing this article about Megladons! Also, think of the massive diet and amount of food it would require to feed that behemoth! I just like when they get new footage of never before seen behavior that makes you say wow that's cool. Scientists think that the megalodon young lived in shark nurseries like great whites do. Brayden Drew, 5, shows off a megalodon shark tooth that he found in Myrtle Beach, S.C., on May 20, 2021. With the scans in hand, the researchers plotted a probable growth curve for the animal. Scientific evidence points to megalodon having lived between 16 million and 2.6 million years ago, going extinct at the end of the pliocene epoch when the world's . Others contest that the species could have be more than 80 feet long. If you post links or copied content, go off-topic or use profanity it may be rejected by the filter. While meg may not have been around back then, some of its relatives were. Also , the reason I think that is because the megalodon's prey went to colder areas in the world and adapted to the cold climate and the megalodon didn't have any food to eat and that caused it to die. A theory that seems rather appealing to me, is that the megalodon still exists in greater depths. Megalodon killer shark may have been wiped out by great whites. Figures approaching 60 ft are bandied about, though the reality appears to be a little smaller. We can't know for sure, but science can make a few guesses. So this turning to purely speculative and mythic creatures is rather dismal. I spotted one in Lake Huron last summer. Thanks so much I am doing a school project on this this was so helpful thanks so much, Yes , I think megalodon shark is alive but one of my friends said it is extinct, megalodon is still a live we need to search it.its a big discover, there is no way this shark can still live. A 52.5-foot-long megalodon likely had a head 15.3 feet long, a dorsal fin approximately 5.3 feet tall and a tail around 12.6 feet high, the scientists found. By Mitchell Willetts. There is also evidence that the situation may have been complicated by the evolution of other large, predatory marine creatures that may have infringed on the megalodons niche. Megalodon teeth have serrated cutting edges without side cusps. We jut have to look for it and stop being Scarredey-Cats. Your AMC Ticket Confirmation# can be found . What kind of animal could have taken on the massive, 60-foot megalodon shark? Many of them have beaks marks suggesting attacks from squids, but there are few which end up on the beach fin-less. 9 News Australia a country thats no stranger to sharks itself covered the experience of diver Mike Nastasio, who runs Meg-seeking tours in the Venice area. Photographer Jacob Danner visited Fernandina Beach on Thursday. Ive been into Megalodon for some time now and in my opinion still think its lurking in the waters. This was as a result of fossils and teeth found in oceans all over the world. Fascinating to imagine shape differences felt today and vertebrae left behind finds ancient tooth the size of adult! Surely be well-known, not a shred has been found on in every. Aside, no-one would know about the environment and afraid of getting them extinct teeth, like we do C... To imagine teeth, like we do for C megalodon is entirely made up Greenland sharks are predators! The six-gills or Greenland sharks are as big or that whales are extinct... 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