The Cup Pagan Planto Infiltrate the People of God, Feast of the Fishes Last Days: Secret of Lawlessness, The Story of Adam Rebellion of Satan to the Antichrist, The Holocaust ForetoldJeremiah Warns & Weeps, Naomi and Her Daughters Paganism Seduced the Church, The Five Rivers of Eden Living Waters: Eden to Rapture, Gates of Jerusalem I Christ toMongol Conquest, Gates of Jerusalem II Alauddin to 1948 Israeli War, Oath of Beersheba Three Faiths out of Abraham, Red Heifer Gentile Martyrs: Sacred Sacrifice, Book of Acts Church:Cross to the CrownGraphic of Acts, Book of RuthCross to Rapture, The Line of CainCross to the 2nd Coming, The Seven Seals Seals Precede the Rapture, Cities of Refuge Millennium to Eternal State. Number 617 NO PLACE TO RUN FROM THE RULER 117 RELIGIOUS BUT UN-REDEEMED 279 WOMEN DEBAUCHED, 280 JUSTICE DELAYED 645 ANGRY DISPUTES Hi Mark, I just came across this site in search for the meaning of biblical numbers. Number 393 EXCLUDED FROM FELLOWSHIP Number80 PRAYER: Son of Man, Number81 HOLY ANGELS Number 688 EVERLASTING KINGDOM 622 MOUNTAIN ON FIRE: PEOPLE SUBDUED 236 HIGH PRIEST ABANDONS FLOCK Jesus appointed twelve disciples; Israel had 12 tribes. Biblical Meaning of Numbers 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 17 20 - 21 - 23 - 30 - 33 - 40 - 111 222 - 333 - 444 - 555 - 777 - More! Number310 KEEP THE FAITH Gives it a more personal touch. Number464LOST SOUL, Number465SELF-LOVE Also know this the prophets in the Bible OFTEN received messages from God they did not understand. 28 CHRIST IN YOU: Holy Temple 427 MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE KING 216 BROTHERLY LOVE GONE Number436 EXTRACT PROTECTION MONEY CL.Beck. Number183 DEADLY BLOW In the New Testament, it is associated with the genealogy of . This was after finding Bible numbers where their hex$ equivilents or exact opposites applied in other mysteries solved. The 175th chapter in the Old Testament is Deut. Number 691 HOLY ONE AMONG US Three patriarchs:In Scripture, we have three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Matthew 22:32). Genesis 27 v 46). If you have a big .pdf file like a book, that would be better to print out as a complete hard copy. Number79 MARTYRS Number213 GODS DEEDS FORGOTTEN Number 541 I WILL SEE THE WICKED FALL 311 FAMILY OF MERCHANTS What is Gods opinion of this? Number 630 HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE OF GOD Number 544 THE RICH WILL BE SLAUGHTERED Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, put away the evil-doing from before my eyes: i.e. Number58 WORLDLY LIFE 419 FALSE REPORT: OVERSEER SEEKS CROWN BY REBELLION This life is like a caterpillar chewing a leaf. Number 512 is the angel of the Lord is near. 133 BROTHERLY LOVE The number 111 is a powerful number that signifies new beginnings, and it's also a reminder to stay positive and hopeful. serpent: I cant comment on your dream. 257 WORSHIP IS AN ABOMINATION, 258 DEATH TO CHRIST CONFESSORS! 611 ANOINTED PRIESTS, 600 ARMED FORCE 361 THE GREAT PROSTITUTE Number252 EVIL SPIRIT TORMENTS, Number253 SPIRITUAL BATTLE The meaning of 76 is Prophet, particularly a True Prophet. His father commanded his sons neither drink wine.. nor build houses.. nor sow seed.. nor plant vineyards.. always live in tents (Jer.35:6-7) This was an onerous commission one far more demanding than what Jehovah laid down as requirements for Israel. It's just a quirk of your brain, called the frequency illusion. Number 534 RIGHTEOUS MANA PREY 187 ASCENSION TO HEAVEN Number 578 REBORN PEOPLE REIGN > I had a dream where the nummer 46 and 64 appeared supernaturally. We can take such encouragement that our Lord Jesus is not like the Beast. 457 WICKED ARE CARELESS OF GOD Number 581 ALL SIN FORGIVEN, Number 572 CORRUPT THRONE PUNISHED Peace. I have thoroughly enjoyed your writtens. 6 MAN: Conscience, 6 MAN: Flesh is Weak Number 639 DELIGHT IN RIGHT JUDGMENT 128 BLESSED ONES Thanks! 647 FRIEND OF THE POOR 352 PARTNER WITH DARKNESS, 353 DESPISE THE PROPHETS 448 WISDOM OF MAN 43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. 451 HOLY MEN SUFFER IN THIS LIFE Number168 MAN OF LAWLESSNESS, Number169 DEMON WORSHIP 357 NATIONS REDUCED TO VASSALS could you help me with that one please? To reiterate what I believe: all Christians can translate the meaning of the letters of Greek and Hebrew in the Bible into numbers, each number has a consistent meaning throughout the Bible, and when these numbers are translated they give a hidden meaning or message from God. Welcome to fresh thinking. Number176 ILLEGITIMATE BIRTH Number291 DEATHLY PLAGUES 23 is the number for death, and if you are of the first Adam you are sold under sin. Number278 POOR OPPRESSED This site has nothing to say about any numbers except those found in the Bible. 657 SUDDEN DESTRUCTION Back to the numerical hidden meanings: 8 means NEW MAN or BORN AGAIN MAN. Seven and forty are two of the most recurring figures in the Bible. 531 EVERYONE IS CORRUPT Number208 LOSS OF FAITH Number500 ANOINTED ONE If you add 23 and 3 together you get 26, the number of the Gospel of Christ. Blessings (48) and Love (49) in Jesus Name (888) endobj Number 367 PLACE OF WORSHIP IS A YOKE Plus, that was #42, evil man. Your New Moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates! Number 601 CONTEMPT Seven Churches in Revelation:The book of Revelation starts by addressing seven different churches (Revelation 2-3) who are in varying degrees of their spiritual walks. Well also address the problem of looking too deeply into symbolism. It was seen in a vision. 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Tests to See if Your Worship Is Truly Christian or Pagan, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 7 Ways Anxiety Dominates the Christian Mind, 'How Great Thou Art' By Carrie Underwood with Vince Gill, Jesus on Adultery: Its More Controversial Than You Think, 10 Things Your Husband Wishes You Would Say to Him, 30 Morning Prayers to Start Each Day with God, 3 Bad Church Approaches to Good Money Stewardship, 5 Critical Rules to Teach Your Kids to Help Them Stay Safe, 4 Things You Should Know about Jesus Revolution, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Number261 LOWLY SERVANT EXALTED, Number255 PROPHET SHAMEFULLY NAKED A: The number 23 is closely connected to righteousness and holiness in the Bible. Number494 UNSPOILED INHERITANCE, THEME 40 SEVERE TEST BELIEVERS RULED BY AN EARTHLY KING, Number 495 AWAKE TO SEE GODS FACE Number 611 ANOINTED PRIESTS, Number 600 ARMED FORCE Number 141EYES TO SEE: LION CROUCHING IN GRASS It is all glorifying to God and exalts our Lord Jesus Christ. Number700 PRIDE IN RICHES AND POWER 487 THOSE WHO FORGET GOD FALL, 488 CRYING OF VICTIMS HEARD mark. 174 INNOCENT DEATH 646 LOVE CONTENTION 334 FORSAKE THE GOD OF YOUR FATHER, 335 HEARTFELT GRIEF OF SIN Same with Jeremiah. Anyways, I was inspired to add up the numbers of my birthday, and it equaled 37. Furthermore, the number 2 is associated with separation or division in the Bible. 243 SAINTS CROWNED, 244 FALSE MESSIAH APPEARS Saints (8) against saints (8) [64 = 8 x 8]. Number 557 BLOOD OF SAINTS POURED OUT 504 STAND BY FAITH Number289 GIVE GLORY TO GOD ! So, to be a spiritual son of Rachab is to have this heart attitude and to have a heavenly reward commensurate with it (Jer. 149 DEFEND THE FAITH We have not presented all the constellations on our our Stars page, but we have presented enough of them so you will see the amazing truth that is up there in the night sky. Number 375 BOUND TO TRADITIONS OF MEN, Number 376 FLATTERY OF THE KING Number 339 LINE OF FAITH SURVIVES I have been fascinated with numbers since I gave my life to Christ years ago.I am not very knowledgeable in this subject but I do love to dig around and search out meanings. Number 613 SERVANTS INHERIT THE LAND 382 PUBLICLY AFFIRM FAITH IN GOD 552 WILD BEAST RAGES For instance, Jesus prayed to God that his followers "may all be one . Number 574 JUDGE OF ALL THE EARTH Fellowship has been broken by us with God. It is really neat that you saw those squares lined up to make a box because if you look on the Geometry section of this site you will learn that squares are holy. 59 OPPRESSOR, 61 KING OF JEWS: MESSIAH (Creation) and things God has said (Scripture). Number20DISTRESS Hi John. Then that will go. The article linked above breaks down several instances of the significance of seven. 282 CRY FOR JUSTICE, 283 KING REJECTED Reading the numerals across 383 we see: Binding Holy Man Binding: The Holy Man is Bound each way he turns. I enjoyed the .PDF on Creation and genes. Number55 RESIST TRUTH 520 MY SOUL THIRSTS FOR GOD 3 BINDING: Yoke, 4 MESSAGE: Tongue, Ear It simply means you're seeing 911 as a coincidence nothing more. 3000 Especially non-Christians. Number 621 CRY TO GOD FOR RESCUE FROM DEATH The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 24 The number 24 is associated with the priesthood. 200 MOUTH OF THE ROARING LION, 201 PEACE PACT WITH DEVIL 592 NATIONS OBEDIENT Number200 MOUTH OF THE ROARING LION, Number201 PEACE PACT WITH DEVIL Number227 BLINDNESS TO BETRAYAL, Number228 PRIEST FOR HIRE 7 THE END: Sword is Raised, 10 TESTIMONY: Vow of Fealty I looked what you say about these Number 516 NO HEALTH IN MY BODY, THEME 42: BELIEVERS WATCH AS THE EARTHLY KING ISCRUSHED, Number 519 RESTORED FROMILLNESS The number 173 means Great Battle between the forces of good and evil, which will culminate in the Great Tribulation at Armageddon (Rev. Yes, otherwise it would not be written in the Scripture. The number "666" is the number of the name of the coming Antichrist. As to whether Christ journeyed to the British Isles my own investigation of Scriptures points to travels in Syria from shortly after John began preaching until Jesus appeared to be baptized. Surely, He comes quickly!!!! Number229 APOSTATE TRIBE We can typically see the number twelve used in governmental or authoritarian positions. The article linked above does list some other obscure ways twelve pops into the picture in the Bible: - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream (Daniel 4) fulfills 12 months later, - 12 baskets remain full after Jesus feeds the 5,000. 651 DRUNKARDS AND GLUTTONS 218 BROTHER KILLS BROTHER, 219 PIERCED WITH THORNS I looked what you say about these numbers. As explained in this article, number 7 appears far more often than most of its symbolic counterparts. 265 NO PLACE TO LAY YOUR HEAD, 268 BLOOD OF SAINTS PRECIOUS 157 CHOSEN PEOPLE, 150 CURSE ON EVIL SONS So, a circle on top of a triangle would represent mans understanding of the eternal things of God. Servant mark. Number 540 FAT HEART IS FULL OF LIES & CURSES 7000 This site provides meanings for Bible numbers. 517 MANS LIFE EBBS AWAY 434 MEN OF FAITH OUT OF HIDING, 429 EVIL MAN HONORED Since that time, autism has exploded 600%. Number 511 WAIT IN HOPE The number six is the number of man, since man was created on day six. Number 595 RULE THE NATIONS It makes no difference to our faith. Roughly translated: Life!'(of)Life!'(of)Life!. The possible meaning of the number 135 is derived primary from history related to ancient Israel. Number 677 BONDED TO ANOTHER 1. May God reveal to you all mysteries and all knowledge. Number 398 TITHING TO SUPPORT TEMPLE We invited Hagar in and let them get pilot training so they could fly planes into the WTC. 413 SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY, 414 SORROW FOR BROKEN WALLS 539 GLOOMY TOWER OF DARKNESS Would it be possible to get your website in one big .zip file that could be dissolved to a CD, so, I could make copies to give to people? Number 394 RENTS COLLECTED FROM TENANTS 680 REBELLIOUS CHILDREN DETESTIBLE ! Number 632 STRAIGHT PATH Note to all readers: if you find anything missing, or in error (I am fallible), please let us know. Recently I had a dream where a very large number 512 was etched on the outside of a suitcase. We see Christians creating denominations and religious organizations, giving tithes and offerings. 415 FAVOR OF THE GENTILES Number 598 TEACH THE NATIONS This is because 6 is one less than 7, which is often considered a number of perfection and completeness. Number260 LOVE YOUR ENEMIES Number 669 FROZEN IN FEAR Number 327 WEAK BECOME STRONG, Number 331 THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH Number 508 THE LORD LIFTS ME UP Often they are excluded, imprisoned, or otherwise punished by those in power. Number292 KING OF KINGS It is a line that never ends (eternal things) but we can see it (mans understanding). SATURN 6th Witness of God: Church in Glory, URANUS 7th Witness of God: Church in Last Days, Ancient History BySabbaticals, Jubilees, Generations, Geometry of Spiritual Truth (Lines, Planes, 3 Dimensions), Mystery of the 5-Square (Forgiveness of Sins), Mystery of the 7-Square (The Time of The End), Mystery of the 11-Square (Touchstone of Prophecy), Pentagon and Pentagram (Satans Big Lie), The Equilateral Cone (Gods Witness), HIS HAND IS STILL UPRAISED (Prophecy of Isaiah). Number229 APOSTATE TRIBE we can typically see the number 2 is associated with the genealogy of Creation and! Meaning of the coming Antichrist OFTEN than most of its symbolic counterparts you say about these.! Overseer SEEKS CROWN BY REBELLION this Life is like a caterpillar chewing leaf... The Scripture to ancient Israel or authoritarian positions number 7 APPEARS far more OFTEN than of! Looking too deeply into symbolism forty ARE two of the coming Antichrist means New or. 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