Play roadway math! Now its been said, and Ill be the first to repeat it: one can travel this country from the tip of Maine to San Diego without ever specifically requiring a map of any kind. So if you noticed going down the interstate, you may see an above sign that shows a split coming. On the next row, they wrote the name of the next big town and the number of miles to it. The lowest numbers begin in the south and west, and get higher as you progressively move north and east. As with most things, there are definitely exceptions to the rule! How do you remove scratches from solid surface countertops? The road side assistance service we have through our insurance had no system in place to determine our location based on route # and mile marker. Interstate standards require that they be measured from zero at the state line and run to the next state linewest to east and south to north. Do mile markers go up or down? And if a highway starts in the middle of the state - like Interstate 35W does - the mile numbering also starts in the west or the south.. one-mile Not the cherry tree choppers and horse back revolutionary alarm fellows, but a little more recently, the good folk from black and white TV days. Lets say you are on Route 101 that is intersecting with Route 10, that would put you in Oregon. 96-99). If you understand grids the better, but even if you dont, the above can tell you what area of America you are in by the numbers. The purpose of these smaller signs was to mark the edge of the highway at night not to mark every one-tenth mile. There are three factors that go into determining the number for a two-digit interstate: Thus, for example, the name I-95 was reserved for the farthest east major national cross-country interstate that traverses a north-south route. What is your favorite way to travel, Destiny? You must come to a full stop at a yield sign if traffic conditions require it. Routes are highways, which would be designations for major routes. New York: Penguin Books, 1989 (pp. The rest of the system flows from this most basic starting point. Highways generally fall into one of three classes which generally use similar (but not identical) rules in assigning numbers: Under the plan developed for a national interstate highway system during the Eisenhower administration, interstate highways (marked with the familiar red-and-blue shields) are numbered according to the following rules: NORTH-SOUTH EXAMPLES: Interstate 5 runs through California, Oregon, and Washington, from the Mexican border to the Canadian border. They also have a simpler numbering system, with highways simply numbered sequentially beginning with 1. Civil Rights/ADA | Derechos Civiles/ADA | Website Policies. The numbering of Arizona state routes is similar. I looked these up on a map to give you these names, but I wanted to show you how the U.S. grid works. You can easily fact check why are there mile markers every .2 miles by examining the linked well-known sources. For example, this marker is Monterey County (MON). While the interstate is closed, the ramps from I-435 South to I-70 East and I-435 North to I-70 west will be demolished. Routes that generally travel East/West are given even numbers, like US 20 from Boston to Newport, Oregon, while North/South routes are given odd designations, like I-95, which just about runs the length of Americas Atlantic seaboard. Do you know what mile marker signs look like? -AJ Ryker, Highways have mile markers because when you are driving on the road people might keep track of how far you drive. When Mile Markers arentavailable, you can substitute Exit Numbers, which are more often than not aligned with the Mile Markers themselves. Because this act, and others after it, didn't specify funding, the building of the roads was very slow. North-south routes are assigned odd numbers, with the numbers growing larger from west to east; east-west routes are assigned even numbers, with the numbers growing larger from south to north. For north-south interstates, the lowest numbered mile marker is at the southern state line or international border. California didnt invent mileage markers. The I-405 (known to Californians as the San Diego Freeway, although it does not extend as far south as San Diego) branches off Interstate 5 near the city of San Fernando and arcs through western Los Angeles and Orange counties before rejoining Interstate 5 in Irvine. The Sun. Interstate 90 crosses the USA from Seattle, Washington, to Boston, Massachusetts. US 1 may once have shared a similar beauty and weight, but has now largely been taken over by strip malls and I-95. Why do mile markers go west to east? Lets say you heading west and you know you are needing to get off Exit 247. It means either SCHOOL ZONE or SCHOOL CROSSING. The counting always begins at the state line in the south (for north-south routes) and in the west (for east-west routes). You have answered 0 of 3 questions correctly and your score is: Subscribe to Wonderopolis and receive By adding 15+ miles I-275 is not of much use as a bypass and relieves a negligible amount of through traffic from I-71, I-74, or I-75. Remodeled rooms 3 star hotel experience. Tomorrows Wonder of the Day will have you looking toward the heavens for a sign! Read the double yellow lines. Check out our article on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Asheville for just such an experience! For north-south routes, the lowest numbers begin in the west, while the lowest numbered east-west routes are in the south. They represent everything wrong with capitalism, primarily, big chain corporations and the idea that blocking the scenery is in any way, ever, okay. On east-west routes, the numbers begin on the western state border and increase as you travel east. While the Mile Marker to Exit Number rule generally holds true, there are a few scandalous rogue states who refuse to abide the method and instead number exits sequentially (ie, 1,2,3 no matter how far apart they are). We don't know how often mile markers appear across the US, so we really couldn't say. 14B. For example if you were around mile marker 120, you may find your next exit will be "Exit 120". This is fine as it is just letting you know that there are more direction to take at that exit. Same holds true when youre headed South. in addition to mileposts for whole miles, either across the entire state or in select regions of the state. Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan. Now dont do this in front of your mother, but looking at the Sun is about your best bet for general directional know how. This symbol > means greater than, for example 4 > 2. We sent you SMS, for complete subscription please reply. It'd probably take some research and some math to figure that out. Youve matched all of the definitions correctly. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of EXAMPLES: California's I-710 freeway is a spur branching off Interstate 10 in Monterey Park and terminating in Long Beach. {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, Highway Patrol Help and Contact Information, How The Interstate Works In The United States, were created as a part of larger defense network of roads across America, created under. What special milestones have occurred in your life? Dan Malouff is a transportation planner for Arlington and an adjunct professorat George Washington University. Why do we have a line that divides East from West? As a publication that practices solutions journalism in order to give our region its best chance at growing in an equitable and sustainable way;we are reliant ondonations from readers like you to fund our work. The letters indicate the county. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 8 How do you know which way to go on an interstate? Look for them at the side of the road, sometimes at the end of a guard rail. The same method applies going north and south as well. Oh, except for a few rare occasions in some states that refuse to agree with law, order and common sense. This material may not be reproduced without permission. This magical spot, in reality, is an unmarked piece of dirt in the middle of a soybean field. What other interesting math problems can you come up with? There are a few very short two-digit interstates that probably should have gotten three-digit numbers instead. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Have fun WONDERing! Now interstate exits often have the mile marker number, you may see it followed by a letter such as A or B. So why do mile markers I-90 in NY go down as you drive east? The Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, commonly known as the Interstate Highway System, is a network of controlled-access highways that forms part of the National Highway System in the United States. Every highway has a route number. A Business route or loop, is to provide access from an interstate or super-highway to the towns or cities business areas. Regional roads numbered under individual state and county systems. Thank you and have a nice day Interstate mileposts begin at zero at the western state line and go up as you travel west to east. EAST-WEST EXAMPLES: Interstate 10 runs from the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica, California, to Jacksonville, Florida. Exit No. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Exit numbers also typically correlate to milepost numbers. In this way, mile markers can help you keep track of where you are and how far away you are from certain exits. The number at the top is the highway number. Highways have mile markers because if you crash your car you call 911 and say the mile marker and they will come and help you. Play roadway math! We hope you are having fun WONDERing with us! Mile markers on interstate highways can also help you determine which direction you're going. 5A. Primary routes are like US 30, US 6, I-10, and I-5. All text, and images marked as created by the article's author, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. One and two-digit interstates span multiple regions, while three-digit interstates are more local. These routes usually consist of side roads and regular traffic lights. Rest areas are listed from east to west. Evens vs. New York State Roads - I-90 Exit List. The biggest exception probably falls to I-238 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Traveling east and west will be even numbers, and going north and south they will be odds. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. A white background indicates a regulatory sign; yellow conveys a general warning message; green shows permitted traffic movements or directional guidance; fluorescent yellow/green indicates pedestrian crossings and school zones; orange is used for warning and guidance in roadway work zones; coral is used for incident. Interstate 80 will be closed in both directions between 700 East and The Utah Department of Transportation said the closures will be . There is an organized method to how mileposts along state routes and interstates are numbered. An example of a detour is a side road that drivers must go down when the main road is closed. 23 miles of I-75 bisect the I-275 loop almost perfectly, with 46 miles to the east and 43 miles to the west. US Highway 82 runs from Alamogordo, New Mexico, to Brunswick, Georgia. Interstate highways established under the aegis of the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956. However, routes on the other hand use up to three digits. In fact, you usually cant get very far at all without it. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. East and west route that run across the south have higher numbers. Some smaller markers are placed at every 0.1 statute miles of the highway. The rest of the system flows from this most basic starting point. The number at the top of the sign is the highway number. It runs for 17.62 miles through Anne Arundale County in Maryland. Hi wonderopolis! On east-west routes, the numbers begin on the western state border and increase as you travel east. Ten service areas are currently closed for construction as part of the $450 million project to redevelop all 27 service areas located on the New York State Thruway. Interstate mileposts begin at zero at the western state line and go up as you travel west to east. Tomorrows Wonder of the Day will have you looking toward the heavens for a sign! Drone shot of the I-10 / I-110 Interchange on the edge of Downtown Los Angeles at sunset. Unfortunately, heading in the opposite direction, you need to know how long a state is to get an accurate count, but thats just one more reason its always more fun heading down South or out West. For north-south interstates, the lowest numbered mile marker is at the southern state line or international border. Mile markers on interstate highways can also help you determine which direction you're going. Each offers a variety of food choices, as well as fuel and other amenities. < Less Than and > Greater Than. (NOTE: Despite their name, roads need not cross state lines to be designated as interstate highways. Mile markers on interstate highways can also help you determine which direction youre going. What is the distance between mile markers? How the interstate works, the ones that run across, east and west are even numbers. Highways were formed in 1926 and later by 1957, AASHO had decided to assign a new grid. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". main highway between Houston and Austin and is a cutoff for travelers wanting to bypass San Antonio on I-10. 13 November 2001 (p. B2). Mile number one is always in the west or the south. :), Great point, Mrs. Power and Mrs. O'Donnell! EXIT. The charts indicate that you should pass east of G "25" to go under the bridge. Three-digit interstates are shorter routes that serve individual metro areas, as opposed to the two-digit intercity routes. Another example would be if you were at the intersection of Route 5o and Route 59, that would put you in Ottawa Kansas. It means that a section of road is closed. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. What memories mark the miles of your life? Do you wonderopolis? The marker above is in Monterey County (MON). The first digit reflects the purpose of the road. are spurs of US 1, US 101 is all on its own. On most interstates, mile marker numbers begin at the south state line on north-south routes and increase as you travel north. You will notice that business routes and loops get their numbers from the parent highway number. Click the buttons below to visit the website. :). The letters indicate the county. It is a main highway between Houston and Austin and is a cutoff for travelers wanting to bypass San Antonio on I-10. Mile markers on interstate highways can also help you determine which direction youre going. Railroads have long had their mile markers, too. 6. At milepost 391, the Arizona portion of the interstate ends at the New Mexico state line. It wasn't until the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1952 when funding was specifically granted for construction. Many know these asmileposts or mile markers, but did you know they can help if you have an emergency? For example there are seven different I-395s, and four different I-270s. If you need to see the mile marker, look to the exit number near where you are trying to go. It is 2460 miles across. :), Hi, Andrew! A highway location marker is the modern-day equivalent of a milestone. So, mile marker numbers always get larger as you travel east or north. :), Great point, Wonder Friend AJ! Interstate I-5 would run along the West Coast, the lowest interstate number is I-4. Also, if you were on I-10 intersecting with I-5, that would put you in Los Angeles California. Loops and bypasses that intersect with their primary two-digit interstate in two places usually get even first digits. Sometimes states just refuse to cooperate (ahem, damn you the South!) The Massachusetts Department of Transportation says its exit renumbering project, announced last year, will begin in October, with current exit numbers on most highways in Massachusetts switching. So routes that run east and west are running perpendicular, (across), routes the run north and south. The number of the highway youre on tells you where on the landscape of America you are. The GREAT SCOTT. Knowing this can help you determine how far you are from a border. Within the US Highway System, US 101 is a Primary Route, even though it has three numbers. San Marcos Taqueria offers a wide array of fresh food and uses only the freshest ingredients. So where US 201, 301, 401, etc. Please log in again. . When traversing New England, proceed with caution: Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and most of Vermont use sequentially numbered exits. So if you follow the rule "green to port heading south" you'll be okay. Can you string a few syllables together? Traveling on I-95 Old Number New Number Intersecting Roadway; South: 1 : 1A: Rickenbacker Causeway : North South: 2 : 1B: SW 8th St. 7th St. North South: 3 : 2A: US 1 On highways and interstates, youve probably noticed small green signs with numbers on them. In the photo, its CA Hwy 1. Odd numbers run north and south; even numbers run east and west. Many states have added supplemental reference markers that indicate distance in fractional miles (tenth, quarter, half, etc.) Despite having no direct land connections to the rest of the United States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico all have interstate highways. opens in a new window City of Columbia Interactive Online Map : Green streets are maintained by MoDOT. Your major cities usually always have a loop that runs around it. He has a degree in urban planning from the University of Coloradoand lives in Trinidad, DC. EAST-WEST EXAMPLES: US Highway 14 runs from Chicago, Illinois to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. 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Do you remember your first lost tooth? The latter two digits reflect whatever two-digit interstate the route connects to. The number at the top of the sign is the highway number. On east-west routes, the numbers begin on the western state border and increase as you travel east. You pass mile marker 240, you now know you have 7 miles left to get to your exit. 7. The lowest numbers begin in the south and west, and get higher as you progressively move north and east. Take some time to leave us a comment or post on the Wonderopolis. One of the most popular places to have your picture taken is in front of the US1 mile marker zero sign. This is the same as routes, although where the difference lies is in locations. Buford East: 0.1 miles west of the Laramie County Line (mm 336.5) Remount Road: 3.9 miles east of the Laramie County Line (mm 340.5) Otto Road: 1.29 miles east of Otto Road Interchange (mm 347.69) Mile Marker 353: 3.7 miles west of Cheyenne (mm 353.0) Cheyenne East A yield sign means, you do not have the right of way. If its after lunch, wherever the Sun is, thats West. Major Interstate routes are designated by one- or two-digit numbers. For north-south interstates, the lowest numbered mile marker is at the southern state line or international border. Billboards are the fart smear on the Marilyn Monroes face of America. The same number may be assigned to roads in different states for example, California, Oregon and Washington each has its own I-405.). I-95 in Delaware and the New Jersey Turnpike are also culprits, as is the Baltimore Beltway and our nations capital, Washington D.C. Have you ever seen three seasons at once? Not direction for late afternoon, summertime, head West, young man affairs, necessarily, though more often than not a good road trip will involve just that. Great work, AJ, it's important to remember what to do in an emergency. Keep up to date with current road and highway conditions. __CONFIG_colors_palette__%s__CONFIG_colors_palette__. Theres a logical system behind it all, and its easy to learn. Exit numbers can help track you location or your pace. Whether were talking about the oft two-lane US Highways or the massive multilane river of traffic known as the Interstate Highway System, this holds true. The US Highways are Americas past, they meander through small farms and smaller towns, twist in and out of city centers and stop at intersections for oncoming traffic. Traffic is not allowed to pass through (thru) that area. So if you knew that Texas was 877.5 miles across on I-10 and you start at 1. Meaning, even if you are at mile marker 23, your next exit will be 1, then the next 2 and so on. If you do so you'll be calling Sea Tow. Left, 1.1 miles. If you were on I-10, you would be running across the United States east and west through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. There are of course numerous exceptions. Lets get down to the details, shall we. Interstate Routes, Mile Markers & Exit Numbering, highway signs, how do highway numbers work, how do interstate numbers work, how do mile markers work, how the interstate works, how the interstate works in the united states, how to exit numbers work, interstate signs, what is a business loop, what is a business route, what is the difference between a highway and an interstate. If you zoom in on the map and drag down the peg man in Street View, you can see the mile marker. Whats the difference between a highway marker and a milestone? These numbers are unique nationwide, except for two copies each of interstates 76, 84, 86, and 88. Primary interstate highways use one or two digit numbers, like I-5 and I-94. Interstate 99 in Pennsylvania breaks the numbering rule due to US Representative Bud Shuster. Auxiliary interstates, known as spurs or beltways, branch from a primary interstate. Can you turn your list of milestones into a chart that graphically represents your milestones? The last two numbers indicate the parent route, and the first digit signifies the road's function (i.e., an odd digit for a spur running directly to a city; an even digit for a road that loops around a metropolitan area). Why are the milepost marker locations approximate? Mile markers on interstate highways can also help you determine which direction you're going. Mileage is the distance along the road from a fixed commencement point. See you soon! Meaning: Slow down as you approach the intersection. ), this affects the road . Routes or highways, run off the interstates. There are two types of highways and interstates, primary and spurs, although interstate spurs are commonly called bypasses. Its also the shortest Primary Interstate Route in the US, and the only one that doesnt connect to any other Primary Interstate Routes. The section in Albany was originally planned to run along US 20 through Pittsfield to East Lee, MA . Every Highway and Interstate has a number, OK, sometimes they are letters. This road is riddled with exceptions. In traffic engineering, the late merge or zipper method is a convention for merging traffic into a reduced number of lanes. General Sense of Direction. Have you ever seen these mile markers and WONDERed why they're there? Mile, any of various units of distance, such as the statute mile of 5,280 feet (1.609 km). It bypasses the freeways or heavy public traffic. Some states, although very few, want to number exits sequentially. US-6 W; W 159th St. Markham, Illinois. A few side notes, US 101 is simply put the greatest highway in America, if not for the sheer merit of having been mentioned in more folk and rock songs than any other road, ever, then simply for the pure beauty per mile you experience while traversing the coast of Seattle, Oregon, and on into Californias Redwoods, cities and desert. It does not store any personal data. Primary interstates are one to two digit roadways that interconnect one state to the next. Again, for an example, if you were at the intersection of I-10 and I-75, that would put you in Lake City Florida. . These are the little green signs with the white numbers printed on them dotted along the roadside. So you now know how to tell if youre traveling longitudinally or latitudially through the country, but how about specific direction? You shared a great example of how important mile markers are-- directions and distance! Diagonal highways dont always fit the system, and since some interstates were added to the network after it was initially built, going in exact order wasnt always possible. 102 North/West Greenwich. A mile-marker exit number system lets drivers know how far they need to travel to reach their desired off-ramp. What are these things? Spur routes will run in three digits, they typically connect to primary routes and usually offer a route to a nearby town or city. Reading the Numbers. Vehicles are not supposed to drive past the sign. The most important cross-country interstates get numbers divisible by five, meaning they end in zero or five. Billboards rarely provide any information that any of the above methods do, but when youre in Apache Country, Arizona and no government official has bothered to update the road signs since CHIPS got canceled, sometimes advertising can provide as many clues as Sherlock Holmes would ever need. Want to add a little wonder to your website? So, mile marker numbers always get larger as you travel east or north. Firstly, its all about numbers. These are given lettered prefixes, H for Hawaii, A for Alaska, and PR for Puerto Rico. What does exclamation mark in Toyota mean? Major two-digit interstates (the fives and zeros) have unique numbers; theres only one highway named I-95, only one I-70, etceteras. Below are some signs that you will find on the interstates and highways. What purpose could a small green sign with the number 137" on it possibly have? New York mostly follows suit. In theory I-238 could have gotten an I-x80 number, but California being California all the available options one through nine were already assigned to other highways. Thought we'd have no problem with road side assistance determining our location. What does a three digit number on an interstate sign indicate? Get. Public domain image. Not all state routes begin at the state line or international border, so many milepost numbers begin at the origin of the highway. On most interstates, mile marker numbers begin at the south state line on north-south routes and increase as you travel north. 1 What are mile markers and why are they useful? START IN THE SOUTH AND WEST. Need to travel to reach their desired off-ramp it 'd probably take some time to leave US a or. Highway location marker is at the state line on north-south routes and interstates, known as spurs or,! Exit number system lets drivers know how far away you are from certain.... 1.609 km ) top of the US1 mile marker 240, you cant... Be closed why do mile markers go west to east both directions between 700 east and west Route that run up,. Greater than, for example, this marker is the modern-day equivalent a! Leave US a comment or post on the other hand use up to three digits, going! Mexico state line or international border, so we really could n't say its! 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