Because the actual metallic salts added to the glass are unknown, the addition of some fluids (acids, or very hot liquids) could create a reaction. Grab a latte at the birthplace of modern American skateboarding. (Source). The only rules are to keep it out of the microwave, oven, or freezer. The following are the largest companies that manufactured pink Depression Glass for varying amounts of time and various patterns: Pink Depression Glass does not glow because it doesnt have any uranium embedded in it. Ruby Red LLC is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. All specific medical questions should be presented to your own health care provider and you should seek medical advice regarding and before making any changes related to your health. The Royal Lace pattern was manufactured by the Hazel-Atlas Glass Company. The pink is Madrid, I found out, and has raised seam lines. Awesome article! Although pink Depression Glass may seem uninteresting to many, it is quite fascinating, especially when you consider how popular it has been since it was originally made. I personally, would err on the side of caution and not eat off it, because we dont know exactly what is in it. Oftentimes, modern glass doesnt have an apparent seam. Vaseline glass is a subset of Uranium glass that has uranium in it, but that is only yellow in color. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends against using these types of dishes for their original purposes due to the amount of uranium found in them. Interestingly, Hobnail glass is a common type of collectable antique glassware. Hi Rachel: I collect Fostoria American depression glass. Pink Depression Glass does have value to collectors and people who love antiques. But I would suggest having it appraised, since Im certainly no expert. Hmm. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. Common depression glass colors include amber, blue, pink, and green. Try to avoid or limit these foods and beverages: caffeinated drinks, such as tea, coffee, and soft drinks. My next step is to build up my blue collection (I have 1 dinner plate, lol). Purple Depression Glass: Manganese. whose brand was an "H" inside a diamond shape, Federal's glass was an "F" inside a shield, research the subject and talk to other collectors. It may be true that there is so little uranium or arsenic in the glass that its not a problem. Like psychotherapy, antidepressants are a key part of treating depression. Most depression glass is not safe to eat or drink off. Because of this, Depression glass has become a collectible piece that people will pay good amounts of money for. Steven and I found a Depression glass candy dish the other day for $25 at a little hole-in-the-wall art store. Photo by JJ Harrison CC BY-SA 2.5. (Source). Disclaimer: The information available on NonTox U is for general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Rarity. I have a large pink vase no design just frosted around the neck the whole vase is 15 darker clear pink rounded bottom very little flare at top almost like an hour glass cant find anything about it any where thought it may be a Fenton but not sure can you help me figure it out and if it is a valuable piece or not It was my husbands grandmothers who passed away she is related to king Edwards and to my surprise it states that on her death and birth certificate she has had the dishes since the 30s I think maybe longer she was born in 1910 so it could have been even in the 20s they first lived in Detroit before they came to california. The Mayfair and Princess patterns were incredibly popular Depression Glass patterns, and dishes that have the Mayfair pattern can be extremely valuable depending on the color of the glass. So overall it left me confused, and I just wondered if you've looked into this and can tell me anything definitive. Although the Great Depression technically began in 1929, what came to be known as Depression Glass actually began being produced in 1923, according to the National Depression Glass Association. Whether inherited, found, or purchased, collectors value Depression-era pieces today for their historical significance as an innovative solution a bright moment during one of the darkest decades in American history. There are 3 mold lines on the footed compote/candy with a obelisk finial lid. Its more than a hobby, its a passion.. There isnt an official way to answer this question without having the pieces tested. If your pink Depression Glass is flawless and doesnt have bubbles or lines, then it is not authentic and was made in modern times with modern techniques. Certain colors of depression glass owe their unique coloring to uranium, which was first used to color glass in the 1830s. I have a question. U.S. Glass Company had a short run of new patterns from 1927 to 1932. Look for flaws. Can you put depression glass in the microwave? Hes also intrigued by how everything seemed to have its own dish in the early 1900s. Restricting uranium use in the United States was a precaution taken by professionals to improve peoples health. It was produced in the Depression Era which is how it got its name. Many of you are probably wondering what Depression glass is. My father collected it while courting my mother. Depression glass was made in many colors. Increased awareness and alarm over the dangers of radiation, says Broughton, also gave rise to a radiation-safety principle called ALARA, an acronym meaning As Low As Reasonably Achievable. Unfortunately, I dont have a clear answer for you. However, it is not as valuable as other antique items because when it was manufactured originally, it was very inexpensive and was extremely common. The pink color was popular in the Great Depression Era and in modern times, so many pieces are still available today. 7) Uranium Glass. As with other Depression Glass items, the larger and more unique items are generally worth a lot more than plates and bowls. Antique Answers was started to provide answers to my own questions, which will hopefully become a great resource for others interested in their own vintage heirlooms. It is perfectly safe to eat off of pink Depression Glass, even if it has a small amount of uranium in it, which is unlikely. Its really difficult to find, but its my favorite pattern! Pink Depression Glass comes in a variety of pink shades from extremely light pink to an almost purple-pink color. If you want to determine if your pink Depression Glass is authentic and how valuable it is, useThe Collectors Encyclopedia of Depression Glass by Gene and Cathy Florenceor theKovels Antique Price Guide. Id love to get you started with some tips! NileRed explained that this stuff can have some effect on you after prolonged exposure i.e. If you haven't researched uranium glass yet, this is a nice introduction. This means the chemicals could be ingested over a long period of time. Macbeth-Evans Glass Company became part of Corning in 1936 and is best known for their "American Sweetheart" pink pattern. You may become sedated or feel drowsy. Thanks so much Lou, its such a fun treasure hunt! The line on the side of the glass is the seam. I have a set of pink depression glass. Then just the thought of taking a shower is exhausting. Pink depression glass is the most valuable of all the colors from the depression glass collection, which was introduced between 1929 and 1939. My favorite pattern is Cherry Blossom! Can you eat off of the deprsson glass? Most pink Depression Glass items sell for between $10 $25. Omega-3 fatty acids. For a long time, the value has been around $5 for a cup. Thanks for your comment and happy treasure hunting. Because of the small amount of the chemical inside the glass and where it is located, you won't get uranium poisoning if you eat off of Depression Glass with uranium in it. As far as value is concerned, Id suggest having it appraised to be sure. With some very rare exceptions, the paint on the outside of both vintage Pyrex and vintage Corningware bowls and baking dishes will usually test positive for lead between 15,000 - 100,000 PPM lead. Because you can't rely on identifying marks, the best way to learn to spot Depression glass is to research the subject and talk to other collectors. also decorate as part of the festivities. This site is owned and operated by Ruby Red LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Tennessee, USA. thanks for your help. Several studies have suggested a link between selenium deficiencies and depression. Sign up for our email, delivered twice a week. Did depression glass have animals on top of refrigerator dishes boxes? After the war, says Phil Broughton, it was no longer the cheapest green colorant available, and the amount of paperwork required to work with uranium in the United States dissuaded most glassworkers. Depression Glass: What Is It and How Do You Collect It? Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. I just purchased a set of pink Madrid 4 piece pl. However, there are a few rarer pink Depression Glass pieces or sets that sell for over $100 or more. Enter Depression Glass, the cheery-hued, inexpensive glassware of the . Extreme training must be done in order for your body to allow eating glass, and one must first chew up all small pieces before swallowing. (Source). There are also a variety of shades available for pink Depression Glass, and people liked that they had options to choose from. Antique Answers was started to provide answers to my own questions, which will hopefully become a great resource for others interested in their own vintage heirlooms. If you are lucky enough to find Depression glass at a second-hand store, you will save money and typically end up paying prices similar to the prices in the 1930s. They thought school administrators had overreacted. The most valuable pink Depression Glass SETS that have been sold recently are Jeannettes Cherry Blossom pattern, Macbeth-Evans American Sweetheart pattern, Hockings Mayfair pattern, Federal Glasss Sharon (aka Cabbage Rose), and Hockings Miss America pattern. 5 Kitchen Cabinet Paint Colors That Will Never Go Out of Style, According to Interior Designers. Instead, they think I'm being rude or purposefully antisocial.". Life, natural path, raw eating, gardening, etc. This is rare but incredibly dangerous, even in small amounts. Bolder tones, like cherry red and deep olive green, will dominate in the heart of the home. Pink Depression Glass is still safe to use nowadays. I have searched and searched for one just like this, but cant find a match. A good place to look is, that should give you a basic idea of what you might get. Most depression glass is not safe to eat or drink off. thanks, Lorraine Conary Based on appearance, its easy to confuse Uranium glass with Depression glass, but Depression glass does not have any uranium in it, so it doesnt glow. When you think of the Great Depression, images of people standing in long bread lines and banks boarding up their windows may come to mind. refined and processed . Ruby Red LLC is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. As long as it goes to a good home and the . Alternatively, you can find lots of pieces in the same pattern. I love the pattern because it looks like a quilt pattern called Tumbling Blocks.. I don't want to trash it without knowing anything for sure, given that it was a gift and it's lovely to look at. I have the complete set of harp depression glass cake set of 22 pieces of the cake. Yet the cost of most Depression glass is still quite reasonable. A gift guide from the Atlas Obscura team. This colorful glassware, an inexpensive and cheerful antidote to the dark days of the Great Depression, was not actually known by its current name until the 1970s, when collectors named it. I found some info about there being two options in depression glass production -- one containing lead and one not (but this no-lead option might have contained other undesirable ingredients). Pink was one of the most abundant colors of Depression Glass produced, along with green. The blue is not cobalt, I dont believe as not that dark, but not light blue. From high ponytails to poor nutrition, here's what causes thinning and breakage on this part of the scalp. Macbeth Evans Glass Company, a prolific Depression glass manufacturer, known for their thin and delicate glass, produced a pattern called American Sweetheart that was manufactured from 1930 to 1936. Colorful old Depression glassware in an antique shop. While theres not likely any lead in Depression Glass, it may be true that there is a small of uranium or arsenic in the glass. "There are just too many glasses out there for one collector to get them all," says Michael Kelly, co-author of Collectible Drinking Glasses: Identification and Values. Displaying the glass also allows the glass to last longer and for history to be preserved for longer. Jeannette Glassware, originally Jeannette Bottle Works, was founded in 1888. 2. I am concerned about any harmful chemicals leeching out.I look forward to your response. Antique Spotlight: If You Own Any Uranium/Vaseline Glass, Check This Out! The production of this glass took place when healthy standards were lower and knowledge was limited. Because the glass is so thin and old, authentic pink Depression Glass will likely have scratches and chips on both the interior and exterior of the glass. Id suggest you look into it a little further and decide how you feel about it. Like I said, getting it appraised is the only sure-fire way to get the value. Selenium is an element that is essential for good health. Uranium, in bulk, is not radioactive enough to be a hazard, unless finely ground enough to breath. Most antique white glass rolling pins have wood handles. Pink Depression Glass will have lines on the bottom of the pitcher, cup, tray, or other pieces of glassware. The adam candy dish was a great deal so often the lids to Depression Glass pcs are missing. I can say that I personally dont serve anything on my depression glass (unless its a special event or something) because Im a collector and want to keep it in good condition. Gastro Obscura covers the worlds most wondrous food and drink. . The reproductions are very convincing, but there are a couple of ways to sniff out impostors. Prior to World War II, and well before its potential for energy or weaponry was recognized, uranium was commonly used as a coloring agent in everything from plates, glasses, and punch bowls to vases, candlesticks, and beads. I cant imagine what place settings would have looked like back then with all this green glass sitting out, says Dan. 2. By Caroline Eubanks. These vibrant dishes helped cheer up Americans during a bleak time. You can see the difference between lights on/lights off in this picture.. Thanks for your question! When the plate registered as radioactive, someone at the school panicked and called in a hazmat team. Small dogs are also great for families with young children or those of senior age who are best matched with a breed they can physically handle. However, the different patterns that pink Depression Glass was available in came out in different years. Depression glass was used for everyday tasks and was prone to scratching, so scratches are likely due to the delicate nature of real Depression glass. I know there are a few articles about this that you can find on a Google search though. An appraisal would give you an actual value on the set. alcoholic drinks. You can identify the pattern by using one of the many books on the topic. In addition, consider adding foods high in zinc to your diet. Pink Depression Glass is still safe to use nowadays. or Best Offer. Depression glass is a clear or colored translucent glass that was given away free, or at a low cost, during the Great Depression (primarily the 1930's). (Source), Uranium that is inside of Depression Glass is embedded into the interior of the glass, not the exterior. Also called Vaseline glass, these pieces are usually yellow or green and have graced many an American table. Pressed glass is made by pouring molten glass into cast-iron molds either by hand or by automated machines (9). I have a large collection of the green dancing ballerinathis has helped me as I often wonder when I find a piece it real or fake. I love to use to look at patterns and learn more. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends against using these types of dishes for their original purposes due to the amount of uranium found in them. The term "uranium glass" generally describes glass with uranium . Puppies are irresistible. In January of 2021, a New Jersey teenager brought a piece of an antique Fiestaware plate to a high-school science class. You may want a forever puppy if you are used to smaller animals. I have recently received several light blue plates and a bowl with all of the classic examples of depression glass except the stray marks underneath . There are real and fake pieces, as I just mentioned. Thank you for the article and info here. most of our ancestors never got cancer from eating and drinking off of depression and Vaseline glass. The new versions of the old patterns are fairly convincing, but there are some great resources, like, that cover each and every difference. Shattered depression glass is not fun to pick . Can I put hot food in my depression glass ? While you may be able to recognize some pieces just by looking at them, it takes a UV . It could be the luck of the Irish. ( Source) Lead, Arsenic, and Uranium can all find their way into the food or drink and become a risk to the user. (252) AU$40.00. Do not wash the vintage glass in the dishwasher. That sounds beautiful though. Hi there! In response to the school evacuation, 50 scientists signed a letter stating that Fiestaware is among the most benign radioactive materials commonly found in the home and applauding the student for his curiosity. Jeannette Glassware, originally Jeannette Bottle Works, was founded in 1888. Some companies in the U.S. still make . This site is owned and operated by Ruby Red LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Tennessee, USA. I love adding new pieces or replacing chipped ones with ones that look new. For reference, 90 PPM is the highest amount of . Deregulation occurred in 1958, but Uranium/Vaseline glass produced after that wasnt the same as before, due to the depleted uranium that was used instead of the more radioactive strain from before. As part of the carnival glass craze, these pieces were often given as prizes at fairs in the 1930s. And Its not just nuclear scientists that get excited about uranium glass. SPONSORED. Pink, green, and crystal were the most often produced colors of Depression Glass. My general rule is when in doubt, err on the side of caution. Yet the cost of most Depression glass is still quite reasonable. While you may be able to recognize some pieces just by looking at them, it takes a UV black light to officially see whether or not the glass flouresces due to the presence of uranium; keep in mind, the glass glows green only because of the uranium, not because its radioactive. Many avid collectors will display their Depression glass with glass cabinets that have blacklights shining onto the glass. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Look for faint markings on the bottom or bubbles in the glass to make sure it's authentic. It was made from 1930 to 1934 by the Anchor Hocking Glass Company. Eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder rarely present without comorbid depression and anxiety disorders; the same . Can I actually use my uranium glass soap dish, or is it only for display? Tryptophan. Foods to avoid. Whether its by going to antique shops or estate sales, or just looking at pictures in art books or online, this is one of the best ways to get started. If you care about distinguishing the two in your search, Uranium glass is any glass that has uranium in it and can be yellow or green in color. Companies started making reproductions in the 1960s. Click here to read our full disclaimer policy. The real-life British buildings behind J.G. Copyright NonTox U LLC, 2021. Dispose of any broken radioactive antiques. Blue but not the same.and the lid has a slightly different pattern. Green Depression Glass Flower Earrings. Lead poisoning can cause stomach problems, headaches, and even seizures in adults, and is especially dangerous for children and fetuses because it affects the development of the brain and nerves . The bowls and serving bowls were wrapped in paper and carefully packed. Indiana Glass Company made the first four Depression glass patterns and introduced new patterns of glassware for ten years from 1923 to 1933. But thousands of similarly radioactive plates and cups can be found in antique stores, thrift shops, and possibly your own kitchen cabinets. On the positive side, these imperfections rarely affect their value and, as some collectors would say, even add to their charm. Of course I would avoid lead crystal, but that doesn't appear to be what they're talking about in some instances, and it's not clear to me whether other colors might have also contained lead to add to the clarity of the glass. With time, some glass can show signs of deterioration such as cracking or pitting of the glaze. Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. They were initially puzzled, until they discovered it was uranium glass. You don't have to give your house a top-to-bottom scrub before guests arrive, but there are a few areas you should pay attention to. To make sure you dont miss a thing, follow me on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram and sign up for an email subscriptionto my blog. Glass that has uranium in it, but there are a is depression glass safe to eat off of of. Arsenic in the Depression glass have animals on top of refrigerator dishes boxes up blue! Mold lines on the bottom or bubbles in the Great Depression Era and in modern times so... How Do you collect it and Depression the pattern by using one of pitcher... Generally worth a lot more than plates and bowls your diet production of this, Depression glass will lines. Adding foods high in zinc to your response researched uranium glass soap dish, or pieces! On/Lights off in this picture I love to use nowadays stories in your Facebook.. 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