7. PDF South Gloucestershire Local Plan You can read more in the Action Plans 7 11 document. July to October 2020: Call for Sites invited, November 2020 to March 2021: Public consultation Phase 1 on issues and approaches, new approaches for urban and rural communities, and a draft planning policy to inform preparation of our new Local Plan 2020, February 2022 to April 2022: Public consultation Phase 2 including: Urban Lifestyles potential site allocations and employment areas in Urban Areas and within Market Towns potential approaches to rural growth Strategic Green Infrastructure Renewable Energy Areas draft planning policies for growth, protection, site proposals and place discussions. 19% of the population are aged over 65, which is expected to increase to 21% by 2043. The site includes Lagoon 3, which formerly provided open water habitat for birds associated with the estuary designations. For example, given the need to raise awareness of business opportunities to ensure that local companies can meet the requirements of the nuclear industry; as well as the need to ensure the availability of suitably qualified workforce both for construction and operation, early engagement in the pre-application phase will be required in respect of eduction, training, skills and supply chain strategies. While acknowledging that a proposed NNB power station at Oldbury has the potential to bring benefits to businesses, employment and the community, and make a significant contribution in terms of low carbon energy, there a number of fundamental concerns about potential negative effects. Junction 12 (Gloucester fringe) and M5 Junction 14 (located within South Gloucestershire). The masterplan, including any necessary revisions, and individual proposals should seek to minimise impact on and maximise benefits and positive legacy for communities, the economy and the environment, including by: Securing sustainable and beneficial use and/or reuse and restoration of the site in terms of both interim and end states; and Protecting the site for high quality employment uses and/or green energy related uses in both in the near and longer term, while also: Ensuring that both the proposed works and their timing avoids impact on biodiversity designations and protected species, and where possible restoring, enhancing and managing Priority Habitats; Reinstating the habitat value of lagoon 3 for bird species associated with the designations on the Severn Estuary Conserving and where appropriate enhancing landscape character and visual amenity of the site and the locality including views across the local and wider landscape and estuary; Undertaking detailed archaeological and geoarchaeological assessment and investigation, recording and publication where development may impact on buried archaeological and environmental remains; Protecting the routes and amenity of the Severn Way and other PRoW links; Ensuring that any associated transport proposals are effectively controlled to avoid impact on local communities and ensure the safety of other road users; Demonstrating resilience to climate change and any increase in flood risk. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the built environment is therefore essential to help achieve the targets necessary to mitigate climate change, as set out in emerging Local Plan 2020 policy, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. In recognition of the burden and disturbance borne by the community in hosting some Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects, the Council will where appropriate require packages of community benefits to be provided by the developer to offset and compensate the community for the burden imposed by hosting the project. A character and context appraisal should be provided within the design and access statement to support a planning application, and to show how the local context has been considered and taken into account in the design of the development. 31. It also identifies land and allocates sites for. Protecting our Designated Local Green Spaces, 25. It is a broad, holistic approach to the energy system which integrates measures such as energy efficiency, energy storage, demand side response, and renewable energy generation (micro and macro scales) to create a flexible system that meets the need for energy in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner. To this end, we are updating our evidence base through preparing a Renewable Energy Resource Assessment Study (RERAS), and through doing so we will identify suitable areas for renewable and low carbon energy generation and related infrastructure. Given the perceptions relating to radioactive waste, security requirements and limitations on future use that would be imposed by disposal of low level and very low level waste on site at Oldbury, that would endure for many generations into the future, but without any benefits of employment opportunities on the site, it is appropriate that Community Benefits are secured to offset these impacts. We offer an advice service for developers and landowners to meet with us to discuss your Local Plan representations. Is the current approach still the right approach? In December 2019, the average price paid for a residential property in South Gloucestershire was 275,000, which is considerably higher than the regional (South West) and national (England) averages (253,000 and 243,950 respectively). South Gloucestershire Council on LinkedIn: Senior Planning Officers For example, we are considering identifying safeguarding areas where proposals for other types of development would not be permitted if they would unacceptably sterilise the renewable or low carbon energy development for which they are safeguarded. But South Gloucestershire is a great place to live, work and visit. New Local Plan for South Gloucestershire consultation - deadline 1st Were listening to business leaders to understand what skills they need, both now and into the future and were working with those businesses, with schools, colleges, universities, with the West of England Combined Authority and other partners to deliver courses and other opportunities to teach these key skills.The Covid-19 outbreak has highlighted worse health outcomes for those living in poor quality and overcrowded housing, which adds further weight to our priority to deliver sustainable inclusive communities, infrastructure, and growth. 4) Nature and public spacesBelow ground provision for trees within public realm, such as root protection and growth systems, is often needed to ensure the proper growth and longevity of the tree. They outline the number and types of homes, jobs, services and facilities, as well as infrastructure that will be expected to be developed in South Gloucestershire. This means that where radioactive waste generation cannot be avoided or minimised at source, it will be disposed of in accordance with the relevant national policy and strategies. Firstly, the need to ensure that energy consumption is minimised through building and site level design measures must be addressed. Passive Provision:Establishing all of the associated cables, chambers and junctions to allow for charging points to be installed without the need for undertaking works that require breaking ground. Along with other relevant policies in the plan, this policy will be a material consideration in engaging with the site licensee, NDA and the NNB promoter, other potential developers and providing pre-application advice, assessing and determining individual planning applications, as well as responding to other notifications and consultations related to the decommissioning of Oldbury power station. Through our Community Engagement Forums and our Local Strategic Partnership, we work closely with the Police to identify the local priorities and actions for maintaining community safety. 21. Communities are becoming more aware of the need for renewable energy development proposals in light of climate change and the move towards a low carbon economy. Nuclear power stations are national infrastructure sites, hosted by local communities on behalf of the nation. The policies within the Core Strategy were prepared to support the growth strategy at that time, with updates and more detailed policies set out in the PSP Plan (adopted in 2017). Food and Drink Uses: Locational Constraints (including schools), 31. As part of these, we will want to understand how individual proposals will relate to the wider decommissioning plans and uses, any proposals for new build, and explore potential opportunities for beneficial interim reuse and/ or the restoration of land, prior to the site reaching its long term and final end state. It is also accepted that due to the long timeframes, changing contexts and complexities of some NSIPs, aspects of impact prediction may be uncertain. The NDA expectation is that land will be remediated and de-designated by 2103. e) In appropriate areas and sites, Urban Lifestyles principles will be applied, to make the best use of land by optimising densities and providing a mix of uses, leading to the creation of compact, efficient, and healthy urban areas. Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and related development, 12. These discussions will contribute to the Councils preparation of a pre-engagement position statement or SPD for NNB, as set out above. 3. We want to work together to raise ambition, open new learning pathways and ultimately drive up attainment and opportunity for all of these children. Proposals for waste management or disposal should form an integral part of the strategic decommissioning masterplan for the Oldbury site, in accordance with emerging Local Plan 2020 policy. This is necessary to ensure that heating systems are decarbonised and move away from fossil fuel systems (i.e. f) The most appropriate and robust materials, street furniture and finishes have been utilised, to create a sense of place which has variety and interest, while not adding clutter within the street scene. Heat pumps can also be used to provide cooling from the ground and water. For residential development, two policy options are presented to achieve net zero carbon. determination of any planning applications for proposals related to the NNB proposal; andiv. Draft policy not yet available. Therefore Clause 1c requires that after design measures to minimise the demand for cooling have been incorporated into the development then any residual cooling demand must be met sustainably through passive cooling measures, and then if necessary, through renewable mechanical ventilation measures and finally, renewable active cooling measures. Good quality and positive existing trees and vegetation should be retained and protected; c) Where appropriate, well-located, attractive, and safe open spaces and play areas, which enhance social interaction and which offer opportunities for formal and informal play and rest, should be provided; d) Where appropriate, site-specific public art features are provided, in order to add visual and cultural interest, and to create a connection to the sites history, existing landscape or built qualities; e) Boundary treatments and any interfaces between public and private areas are robust and built to be long-lasting, define the public realm, clearly establish the difference between public and private spaces, and avoids small areas of incidental open spaces; and.
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